Working to Transform Waste and Build a Sustainable Future!

Working to Transform Waste and Build a Sustainable Future!

NML Consulting presents a Municipal Solid Waste solution that eliminates 94% of MSW from ever entering the landfill.

We Can Be Part of the Solution!

Canada is one of the biggest generators of waste per capita worldwide, with each citizen producing an average of 706 kilograms per year. In the 2022 Global Waste Index, Canada dropped two places to be ranked 31 out of 38. As Canadians, we need to focus not only on reducing the amount of waste generated per capita but also on how we manage the waste produced.

The FERPA Process

Welcome to the FERPA Process, where we transform various items from residential and construction waste into repurposed products. This innovative biotechnology approach to waste management allows communities to transform their Municipal Solid Waste into construction products.


Through the implementation of biotechnology at an industrial level, the process can transform 94% of MSW into construction material.


The process minimizes the costs of collection, transport and end-disposal and can reduce construction material costs by up to 35% while stimulating investments and increasing GDP.


The process eliminates waste dumping into landfills, eliminates a source of pollution and helps with the regeneration of natural environments. Waste is transformed into a sustainable inert material that can be shaped into endless configurations for construction and use.

Socially Responsible

FERPA creates jobs and ignites local economies with a minimum of 40 to 60 jobs created for a single-line facility. The process also reduces health risks associated with operating landfills and promotes socially responsible communities.

A Biotechnology Solution for Municipal Solid Waste

A one-line facility can transform 200 tonnes of MSW a day. That’s 73,000 tonnes a year.

What Waste Can Be Transformed?

The FERPA Process strives to make the most out of every component of waste. While there are only a few exceptions, even those items can find alternative means of recycling. During the process, steel, aluminum, and copper are carefully separated and sent to recycling facilities. Additionally, proper removal and disposal of hazardous materials is completed, allowing this waste to be sent to its appropriate handling facility. Approximately 94% of Residential and Construction Waste can enter the process, breathing new life into:

  • Food waste
  • Single-use coffee cups
  • Straws
  • Plastic bags
  • Dirty diapers
  • Pet waste bags
  • Bottles
  • Cardboard
  • Paper
  • Jars
  • Personal protective equipment

  • Plastic bottles & containers

  • Rubber
  • Leather
  • Clothing
  • Yard waste
  • Furniture
  • Shingles
  • Bricks
  • Crushed concrete
  • Asphalt
  • Wood
  • Tiles and ceramics

  • Gypsum

What Waste Can Be Transformed?

The FERPA Process strives to make the most out of every component of waste. While there are only a few exceptions, even those items can find alternative means of recycling. During the process, steel, aluminum, and copper are carefully separated and sent to recycling facilities. Additionally, proper removal and disposal of hazardous materials is completed, allowing this waste to be sent to its appropriate handling facility. Approximately 94% of Residential and Construction Waste can enter the process, breathing new life into:

  • Food waste
  • Single-use coffee cups
  • Straws
  • Plastic bags
  • Dirty diapers
  • Pet waste bags
  • Bottles
  • Cardboard
  • Paper
  • Jars
  • PPE

  • Plastic bottles & containers
  • Rubber
  • Leather
  • Clothing
  • Yard waste
  • Furniture
  • Shingles
  • Bricks
  • Crushed concrete
  • Asphalt
  • Wood
  • Tiles and ceramics
  • Gypsum
  • Food waste
  • Single-use coffee cups
  • Straws
  • Plastic bags
  • Dirty diapers
  • Pet waste bags
  • Bottles
  • Cardboard
  • Paper
  • Jars
  • PPE

  • Plastic bottles & containers
  • Rubber
  • Leather
  • Clothing
  • Yard waste
  • Furniture
  • Shingles
  • Bricks
  • Crushed concrete
  • Asphalt
  • Wood
  • Tiles and ceramics
  • Gypsum

How MSW is Transformed

An Overview of the FERPA Process

As soon as the MSW arrives at the facility it begins its transformation. From sorting and pulling out metals and harzardous waste, to grinding, mixing, and moulding, the process takes about 45 minutes from start to finish.

An Inside Look at the Mexican Facility

Uno News Coverage

Mexico City produced 14,000 tons of waste per day. Prior to the Pandemic Shut-down, FERPA was on track to transform 7,000 tons per day. A single transformation line can transform 200 tons of waste per day.

How MSW is Transformed

An Overview of the FERPA Process

As soon as the MSW arrives at the facility it begins its transformation. From sorting and pulling out metals and harzardous waste, to grinding, mixing, and moulding, the process takes about 45 minutes from start to finish.

An Inside Look at the Mexican Facility

Uno News Coverage

Mexico City produced 14,000 tons of waste per day. Prior to the Pandemic Shut-down, FERPA was on track to transform 7,000 tons per day. A single transformation line can transform 200 tons of waste per day.

Become Part of the Solution to the Global Waste Problem

If your municipality is looking for a viable alternative to landfills and an ecological solution for municipal solid waste, we’d love to connect with you to discuss the FERPA Process and how we can work together. Through our consultation process, we will help identify regional solutions for waste transformation, partnership opportunities, cost savings, municipal benefits, employment creation, economic impact and so much more.

Become Part of the Solution to the Global Waste Problem

If your municipality is looking for a viable alternative to landfills and an ecological solution for municipal solid waste, we’d love to connect with you to discuss the FERPA Process and how we can work together. Through our consultation process, we will help identify regional solutions for waste transformation, partnership opportunities, cost savings, municipal benefits, employment creation, economic impact and so much more.